Free mail February 23, 1945
Censored Paris, France
Dear Jean,
Received your Vee-mail of Feb 8, and your air-mail of the 16th Also your package with the cigarettes, soap and candy. " Thanks honey." A package from my cousin Angie containing a carton of cigarettes and some food and candy also arrived yesterday. Give them my thanks. They were both swell packages and I appreciate them. Glad to hear that you are gaining weight, 120 lbs, that's pretty good. And my little baby is 33 ½ inches tall, gosh I can hardly believe it.
Yes I heard from Frank ho's allright. The letter was dated Jan. 19.
I don't know the address of that woman in Versailles, I don't believe they have mail service as yet anyway. You should have received that perfume and medal by this time. Have you?
That master sargeants name was Jarrell Coker, its too bad it had to happen. Just the fortunes of war.
Thanks for the bracelet you are getting me. Which reminds me, have you still got one of those wristwatches of min. Can you get one of them fixed and send it to me, now for god sake don't go out and buy me a new one. I still have the pocket watch which you sent me when I was at Claiborne, and it keeps very good time, but it is unhandy and I keep breaking the crystal. Will send it home as soon as I receive a wrist watch from you.
Will send you this other perfume I have within a few days.
Give my best wishes to all. Take good care of the baby.
Your loving husband
Blue envelope Paris, France
February 27, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received your Vee-mail of the twelfth and your air-mail of the nineteenth to-day. Which proves that Vee-mail isn't necessarily the fastest of the two.
Yes, I have been hearing from you regularly, your letters are coming thru all right. Sorry to hear that you can't say the same about mine. You will get them eventually.
Nice to hear that Adam is finally coming home on a furlough. I've often thought of him, wondering were he was, and how he was getting along.
Hey, Lucille, you stop bothering mommy while she is trying to write me a letter. O.K. I'm glad to listened to me??? Thanks for that big, hud and kit (Censor:-that's the way my baby says hug and kiss, its not a code.) that you sent me, baby. Tell mommy to give you one for me.
Answering your air-mail now. Yes, you will have to put up our home before I come back. You will have plenty of advance notice. This is my idea, about a year after I get home. I would like to borrow some money under the G.I. bill of rights and purchase a home about thirty miles from my place of business. I will have to commute via a Ford tin lizzie. How is my suggestion? Agreeable to you? Glad you think it's a good idea.
Tell everyone concerned not to worry about Frank as he is all-right. Right now his outfit is in the big push, and when that occurs, one does not have much time to write. I would suggest not going to the Red-cross for information. Here's what happens. They get in touch with Frank's company commander by mail. The company commander will order him to report to the orderly room. Then commence giving him hell for not writing home. Then Frank will give you hell. You know how it works now, therefore use some discretion. Always remember no news is good news, which holds doubly true in time of war.
O.K. I will try to get a bottle of perfume for Helen. Will send it direct to her.
I am sending you a package tomorrow containing the following items. I won't tell you the prices here, as they are written on each box.
TROPHEE-D'ORSAY, also five powder by Chanel and D'Orsay. I've got my fingers crossed again on this package as it set me back quite a bit.
Have you received any of the packages containing perfume as yet?
Well so long for now, be seeing you.
Your loving husband
P.S. Will write to Charlie Fontana to-nite.
P.P.S. Don't forget what I told you concerning the perfume in my last letter.
Free mail Paris, France
Censored Feb. 24, 1945
Dear Jean,
A few lines to let you know that I am in the best of health and doing fine.
The old man river(Seine) has finally subsided it is now down to its original level. For which we are all thankful. To doesn't seem to have done so much damage as we had expected.
I am send you a box containing vegetable seeds which are intended for your dad and my uncle. There are about sixty packets of different kinds of seeds. As my uncle has a large farm its best that whatever seeds your dad doesn't use, go to him. I'm sure both of them will like the seeds. Incidentally it shouldn't take the package very long to get to you as I am sending it first class mail. I will get the other package out to you some day this week. Will notify you as soon as I ship it.
Was not able to finish this letter last night as I was very tired and went to bed. To-day is Sunday, and a beautiful day too. Its these beautiful days that make us boys homesick.
Last night we heard that Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan. There will be more nations doing likewise. They are all trying to get some gravy now that the German goose is cooked. They may get the aroma, which is all they are entitled to.
I met a boy here from Frank's outfit. He was wounded and is now stationed here with me, not in the same company, but with a sister outfit. I asked him about Frank but he was not able to give me much information as he says they work in squads, and very rarely do they see each other. I wrote your brother about him. Will let you know more about it when I hear from Frank.
I had to postpone this letter as it was time for chow. After chow I went into my barracks and found there a Vee mail and a package from you. The letter was dated Feb. 5. The package as usual arrived in excellent condition. Thanks for the cigarettes and soap and the can of mushrooms.
I had headed this letter "a few line", well that was my intention at the time, but since then I have had more time to write.
I thought that Sam Giordano was in France all the time. He is probably better off that he is not first seargent anymore. What is he now, a Tech- T/SGT. Don't as me why he is better off, as it would never get past the censor.
When you see Gus and Timmie give them my best wishes likewise.
Why not let the baby go ice-skating now. I would like to have her learn everything while she is young. Her mind is very fertile and grasping at an early age. I also would like to have her as versatile and proficient in sports, music and learning as possible. She is going to have all the opportunities available to her that were denied me. Take good care of her until I come home.
Give my best wishes to all and 'Thanks' again for the package.
Your loving
P.S. Am enclosing your brother Franks letter.
January 11, 1945
Dear Sal,
I received your letter and was very glad to hear from you. I am in the best of health and hope you are the same. About that pass Sal, I don't believe I'll get one for a while because everyone is quite busy. The only pass I'd like is a furlough back home for ever. I sure hope this mess would end soon but it doesn't look like it will. I haven't been getting much mail either but the little tat I get they mention all the cute things that the baby does and I get a big kick out of it. I sure hope I can get to see her before she grows up. We had a pretty fair Christmas and it could have been a hell of a lot worse. I went hunting the other day and bagged two rabbits. We had some German woman cook them for us and she certainly made some delicious gravy. One of the boys got a deer a while back and they said it was really good. One of the boys in my company is now stationed in Paris and the other day he came down to see us as he is working for a trucking outfit and I gave him your address, so he could look you up. The war got the best of him and his nerves are shot. He's a hell of a nice guy and I hope you two can meet. My compare Pat is also stationed in Paris and I know that you know him so I will give you his address. He use to come to the house quite often and he use to work for me.
Sgt Pat Barella
Engr Base Sect., Photo Map Co.
He's right around the service club so you can locate him easily enough. You can have a lot of fun with him as he plays in some orchestra. Well Sal, that just about winds it up so good luck and take care of yourself.
Your brother in law,
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 4, 1945
Dear Jean,
I received four of your Vee mails dated, 13, 14, and 19th of Feb., also a letter dated the 21st of the same month.
You should have received some mail from me for the month of Jan. as I have written to you quite often. They must be held up somewhere all-right, or they may be lying at on the bottom of the ocean.
You haven't been putting air-mail stamps on Vee-mail. it's a waste of money, as they are all supposed to come over by plane anyway.
Sure I received your letter telling of the baby's dresses, guess you haven't received my reply.
Are you still having snow in New York? We have been having some beautiful weather. The grass is as green as it could be and the trees are beginning to wake from their slumber.
Tell pop I said thanks for the package he is sending me . Will let you know when I receive it. Yes I have received all the packages you sent me.
I may have some photos for you in my next letter, that is if they come out O.K.
I have a bottle of perfume for Helen and will send it to her as soon as possible.
That Malmedy incident that you read about made me feel exactly the same as you did.
I honestly believe that this European war will end soon.
You may be expecting my packages any day now.
Give my love to all
Your loving
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 5, 1945
Dearest Jean,
Received two of your Vee mails dated the 19th and 20th of Feb.
I wish that it were possible to send the baby some more dresses but they are so expensive. They have some beautiful clothes here. The materials may not be the best, but oh the styles.
I didn't know it was mom and pop's 28th Anniversary. Give them my best wishes. And tell them that I honestly believe that we will all be home for their next one.
I can't understand why you are not receiving my mail, certainly am writing often enough.
Am still in the best of health and doing fine, therefore don't worry about me.
Frank asked me in his last letter to look up Pat Barella Well, I have located him, but have not been able to contact him as yet. Will write and let you know when I do.
The weather is still pleasant, a decided change from what we were accustomed to in England. I see by your letters that you are having some bad weather in New York. Spring is just around the corner, and you should be having some notice weather soon.
There isn't much to write about from here as everything is nice and quiet, except for an occasional air raid alarm. We had one last week but nothing came of it.
Bye-bye for awhile and take good care of the baby. Give my best wishes to all.
Your loving husband
Free mail March 10, 1945
Censored Paris, France
My dear wife,
I received three of your letters of February 18th, 26th and 27th two days ago, also one from your brother Frank.
I wish you would take the baby to a community music school. Some people may say that she is too young, don't believe them she isn't too young.
You don't have to go to work if you don't want to. Its entirely up to you.
About that cigarette article - the New York news -papers are in error, none of those boys were executed. Some were given prison sentences, others were given a chance to regain their honor.
Our rations were the same as Joe Friscia's for awhile, however we have nothing to complain about now.
Too, bad Frank Tasso couldn't contact me, but if he had written me letting me know that he was headed this way I would have made it my business to find him. Your brother tells me he may get a pass, if he does you may rest assured that we will meet.
There is plenty of talk among the troops that we may all be headed towards the Pacific when this is over. There's nothing official about it though.
You will have to use your own tactics in disciplining the baby. I know next to nothing about the rearing of children.
Sure I talk about you to that Pearl Epstein guy, I tell him what a swell girl you are and what a wonderful singer you are. Not flattered are you. He has a French camera, Kodak I believe.
Fred's girl wrote and told me she received the perfume. She certainly appreciated it.
I really don't remember the date I received your Christmas cards.
Can't think of anything I wrote that would make Tessie angry. If she don't write, she won't hear from me.
Thanks for the package you are sending me. Will let you know when I receive it.
Yes I've been well, I've had only one cold since I've been in this man's army. Pretty good record, don't you think.
Sure I received your valentine, also wrote letting you know about it.
I really don't know if I flush any more. I don't imagine so.
I haven't answered Franks letter as yet, but will enclose it in my next letter to you.
He is in the best of health and doing fine.
Am enclosing a few photo's. These are all that came out of two rolls. The view finder on the camera was out of adjustment. May have some more for you next week.
Have not sent Helen's perfume out as yet.
Will let you know when I do.
Give my best wishes to your mom, dad Joey and the baby.
Be seeing you soon
Your loving
P.S. Have you received any of the packages I sent you containing perfume.
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 14, 1945
Dear Jean,
Yesterday I received one of your letters dated Dec 8 and a Vee dated Feb 24. Also a package, from your dad, I presume. It had four packs of cigarettes, canned lobster, shrimp etc. Tell your mom and dad I said "Thanks a million."
This afternoon two of you8r letters came dated March 2nd and 7th.
Glad to hear that you are finally receiving my letters.
When Larry does get his orders, it won't take him long to get home.
Thats how this army does things. Everything, must go thru channels. Joe Saetta is pretty lucky to be stationed in the States. He had a good job too.
Of course the baby is too young for piano lessons, what I meant is to have her hit away at the keys, so she will grow up with the melody. I will write her a letter in due time, for her alone.
You are right the name secret after D'Orsay is the scent.
I would appreciate it very much if you can give me a list of the popular perfumes and their cost. You can get most of this information from advertisements in papers and magazines.
About that French you wrote, I'm not that good that I can translate, however I do get the gist of it . My French is improving steadily.
Its getting late Jean, so I will have to answer your letter of March 7th tomorrow.
Take good care of Lucille and give my best wishes to all. All my love to the one and only from
Your loving
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 16, 1945
Dear Jean,
Answering your letters of March 7th, 1st, and 3rd.
Excuse me I have answered your letter of the first so will answer yours of the third and seventh.
Say, those blue envelopes really get thru in good time, However, we can't get as many of them as we would like to, and as you probably know they are to be used for strictly personal affairs.
The baby's teeth are really coming out. How are they? In good shape!
I know next to nothing about the G.I. Bill of Rights. I have picked up bits of information, none of it , official. Don't expect any trouble in borrowing money under this plan. O imagine it will be a fast process. Don't worry about that car, because we will have one.
No, I haven't changed my mind about li9ving in a small town.
You had better stop having those dreams of Paris. You couldn't possibly picture it as it really is. it's a beautiful city words and, adjectives could never do it justice.
Haven't had a chance to meet Pat Barella as yet.
Haven't you received any of the perfume as yet?
Has Mary received hers? I have sent you another box containing perfume, included in this box is the perfume (Roger Gallet) and a box of face powder for Helen, give them to her with my best wishes.
Here's a list of what is in the box.
Hope they all arrive in good shape. I am very anxious to know how the others arrive. Let me know as soon as you receive them.
Everything is coming along fine with me, I am still in the best of health' as you can readily judge by the enclosed photo's.
There isn't much doing here, that I can write about, except the weather which has been very pleasant. The trees are beginning to blossom, a good sign that Spring is on its way.
Give my best wishes to all, and a big hug and kiss for you and the baby.
Au revoir
Your loving husband
P.S. Don't forget to send me my wrist watch and some cigarettes. Merci bien.
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 19, 1945
My darling daughter,
I realize that you are not quite old enough to read or understand this letter, seeing as you are only twenty months old. But I do want you to know how much I miss you, and how I yearn to see you and your mother, It must be awful hard on you not having your daddy around to comfort you. You can't comprehend why I have to be away from home for so long. However as you grow older and read your history books you will certainly realize why. We are not alone, there are millions of others just like us. We are trying to make this a safe world for you kiddies to live and play in, also so your brothers and cousins will not have to repeat our performance.
Keep your chin up, baby it won't be too long. I'll be home to take you to the movies, an occasional picnic and a casual stroll.
Be seeing you soon baby.
Your loving
Free mail Paris, France
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 19, 1945
Dearest Jean,
I have four of your V-mail in front of me dated Feb., 28, and Mar. 4th, 5th and 8th.
I agree with Frank concerning that senator, whoever it was that was interviewed must have been told what to say. Occasionally we get a New York newspaper here, and when we read how some of the people back home are reacting to the all out war effort, it makes us sick. For instance people complaining about the twelve o'clock curfew. Strikes for higher wages, and a thousand and one other disturbing factors. If some of those people could see how France is devasted mis-spelling, devastated, and how these French people are starving, they would not be so finicky.
Glad to hear that my uncle visits you once in awhile. Can't understand why Roy doesn't come around more often.
Did you ever receive the package of seeds I sent for your dad and my uncle. Hope they receive them in time for this years planting.
I have sent you another package containing a large bottle of perfume, its name, "Mon Ideal" by marquis. it's a beautiful bottle and very expensive, that's the reason I have packed it in a box all by itself. Hope you like it. Has Mary received the perfume as yet, Have you received any of the perfume? I am anxious to know if they are arriving in good condition. If not I will have to change my method of packaging and shipping, as I do want you to receive them in good condition. No, I have not received any letters from Larry. I wrote to Frank recently and may expect an answer shortly.
Glad to hear that everything is fine at home and that my baby is full of life and yes, mischief.
Gosh, honey, I don't know when this darn war is going to end. Maybe the Germans are not as weak as we are led to believe. Then there's the Pacific war to be taken care of. Don't know whether or not we will be sent out that way.
Did you receive my letter in which I asked for my wrist watch, Well to-day my pocket watch stopped running, so I need a watch real bad. If none of my watches are any good then try to get me a good second hand watch. I think Uncle Tony can help you out.
Well, so-long for awhile Jean give my love to all and a big hug and kiss to my Lucille.
Your loving husband
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 22, 1945
Dearest Jean,
Received three of your Vee-mails dated Feb. 22nd, Mar. 11 and Mar9th. Also your Easter card and the baby's card. They are both swell cards and I was pleased to get them.
So you are learning to sew, well you always did, didn't you!
I guess you have received my letter explaining why Frank can't write so often. So I won't go into that. Nancy's husband Jim, may have more time to write than Frank.
Tony must be on his furlough, if you say he came down to visit you. What did he think of the souvenirs I had sent you.
Mary, wrote me, telling me of Roy's acceptance into the army. I was sorry to hear it as I believe anyone who has three children should be left at home. However he is very fortunate at being called so late in the game. He may not have to go overseas at all. It is going to be hard on his wife and kiddies but they will have to get used to it. Anyhow it won't be much longer, this war will end, and we will all be home again.
Give my best wishes to all, and take care of Lucille. Love from
Your Sal.
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 24, 1945
(Joyeuses Pagues postcard)
Happy Easter
Free mail Paris, France
Censored March 26, 1945
Dearest Jean,
Your letters are coming so fast and furious that I am having a little difficulty in answering you as promptly as I would like to. For instance I have before me two of your Vee-mail dated March 2nd and 12th, also three of your air-mails March 8th, 10th and 15th. I will try to answer all of them to-night.
I notice from one of your letters that you are still subscribing to the Rural New Yorker. Do you read it?
So Adam is home, glad to hear it. Give him my best wishes.
You be careful about letting the baby carry empty bottles or full bottles for that matter you realize it is a dangerous practice.
You may open that bottle of Lubin's if you wish, its yours. Here's how you read the price(257F60) 257 Francs and 60 centimes. Multiply the total by .02(cents symbol) which gives you $5.1520 cross off the two last figures and you get $5.15. Simple isn't it.
Glad you liked the perfume and medal. Yes, that woman had picked out the perfume and the medal. Don't know when I shall get to see her again.
Didn't I tell you what type work I am doing. I am still driving a truck. I have given up all hope of ever getting a promotion. Its who you know and not what you know or do that will get you a promotion. One example of this is when they make the Latrine orderly a Technician fifth grade. I never knew before that it required any technical skill to clean toilets.
I could enclose this letter in a blue envelope thereby evading my officers, but instead I am sending it through regular channels. Not attempting in the least to avoid the scrutiny of my superior officers.
Regardless of the possibility, or rather I should say the impossibility of advancement I still do my best, it may not be good enough, but its my best.
The article you sent me may or may not refer to Frank and I, after all some are going to get discharges. We may be amongst the fortunate few.
I received one of your packages, it contained cigarettes candy, chicken, shrimp. The cookies suffered a little, otherwise the package arrived in good shape. Thanks a million honey. Thanks also for the package which is on its way. Did you get my request for the wrist watch?
How is Roy making out? Have you heard?
That's all for now.
Give my best wishes to all my friends and take good care of the baby.
Love from
6cents air mail March 31, 1945
Censored Paris, France
Dear Jean,
Received your letters of March 16th and 17th also two of your Vee-mails dated the 13th and 21st. Another of your packages arrived yesterday as usual it was in excellent condition. Thanks a million.
Well, to-morrow is Easter. These holidays seem to come and go, and we are still as far away from home as ever. Everything looks much brighter now. The Germans are beaten and they know it. Of course no one knows when they will surrender. My guess is- soon!
I was not able to continue this letter yesterday as I was called upon to drive some of our officers into town.
As you have surmised. To-day is Easter. Have you all had a pleasant time?
Oh yes, two more of your Vee-mails came to-day, one dated the 15th of March and the other one the 18th.
Everything they say about Paris in the Spring is true. The trees are in full bloom, and everyone is dressed in the newest and latest fashions. Prices of these new creations are very high. While they are beautiful to see, they are not made of very good materials. For instance some of these ermine capes that the women are seen wearing, are not ermine at all, but just plain pelts from alley cats. However they do look beautiful and serve the purpose just as well.
Food is as scarce as ever. These people have plenty of points to use, but no merchandise. Their point system operates about the same as ours in the States.
I have sent you another package containing perfume the contents are, "Shocking"' by Schiaparelli, also "Salute" by the same party and "Evening in Paris" by Burjois. Hope you like them. Have you received any of the perfume as yet. Its all-right with me if Roy wants to pout his car under my name, as a matter-lf-fact he can put anything under my name that he wishes.
Well Jean that's all for now.
Give my best wishes to all and a big hug and kiss for the baby.
A Happy Easter to all.
Your loving
Free mail Paris, France
Censored April 2, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received two of you're air-mail letters to-day dated march 20th, and 25th.
Glad to hear that you liked the rosary beads and the perfume for Em and Bett. The reason I sent the chain- thought you could make a neckalace out of it for the baby. The buttons, well I just had some extras so I sent them on. Those stubs are tickets I used while riding the Paris subways. Sort of souvenirs.
Hope you received the other perfumes which I am sending you.
There isn't much to write from here. I am still in the best of health and doing fine.
Give my love to all.
(enclosure 10 francs To Lucille from Dad. Paris - April 2, 1945
Stub Rockland Coaches, Inc. New York City to Camp Shanks, Paris bus ticket, third class Birmingham to Aschurch, England, Paris subway ticket)
Free mail Paris, France
Censored April 7, 1945
Dear Jean,
I received four of your letters to-day, Mar. 20th, 23rd, 27th and 30th also one from Danny asking me to meet him. His letter reached me much to late for me to attempt to see him, as a matter-of-fact I believe hi is back in the States by this time. Its too bad I was not able to see him. There was so many things I wanted to ask him, and so many things to tell him!
About that Eau de Cologne by Gerlain for Lou Inzinna's wife. She would pick a difficult item. I have been trying for the past few months to get you a Guerlain product, "Shalimar" to be specific but to no avail. Has she any other preference?
You think you have inflation in the States. You should see the prices here. Sixty dollars for a ladie's had Forty for shoes. One hundred for a dress, one hundred and twenty for a man's suit. And on and on. Another example, eight dollars for a pound of butter, thirty cents for a midget head of lettuce. No coffee available, except toasted wheat and barley which tastes like, I'll be darned if I know what it does taste like. No fruits of any kind available. Milk is distributed for babies only.
No I havent seen your brother Frank as yet, I too, hope that he gets a pass and comes down to see me. We'll have pictures taken all-right. Don't you worry about that Pacific deal. There is a slight possibility that we won't get sent there.
I'm sure the baby will live up to all my expectations. Thanks to you and your family.
Surprised to hear that you haven't received any of the other perfume as yet. There are, however quite a few packages on the way.
The rations we are eating now aren't so bad. Same as we had back in the States. Don't worry about sending me salami.
And don't worry about there being any friction between me and Tessie and the old man. There will never be any cause for friction as I am through with them once and for all. And please don't ever mention them in your letters again.
Yes, I wish you would send me one of those wrist watches, if you can't get one fixed try to send me a good second-hand one.
Gosh, what do you want me to say about your letters, I answer them don't I, or isn't that enough of a compliment.
Lucille's conversation is interesting, she's speaking French and don't know it " Abri coat" Abri is an air-raid shelter here in France. By the way my French is improving by leaps and bounds. The whole trouble is that now I am having trouble with my Italian. I speak half French and half Italian when I should be speaking Italian. As long as I don't get confused with my English I am quite safe.
Everything is fine here and I am still in the best of health. Never felt better in my life.
I miss all of you, especially you and the baby and hope that this mess ends soon, so we can all be to-gether again. Until then, my best wishes to all from
Your loving husband
No envelope Paris, France
April 12, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received two of your letters dated Mar 31st and Apr. 3rd a couple of days ago.
So the seeds finally arrived, What did your dad and my uncle think of them? Did they plant them?
Yes, I am still in the best of health and doing fine. Hope to keep that way too.
Don't tell me you have to pay duty on the gifts over fifty dollars. Are my packages opened in the states? If I tale the price tags off, they won't know the value, will they! What do you suggest?
You tell the postman " damn right I'm nuts about you." I'm nuts about the baby also.
Don't know much of this Pacific deal only what I read in the papers, its very discouraging to us too, in any event the pacific war won't last very long. We sometimes wonder, how much longer before we shall all be home again.
The seine river has receded, nothing to worry about anymore. It sure gave us a lot of trouble.
I've heard everyone praise Dan's girl. I would like to meet her, soon.
You ask about some of my experiences, well here's one.
On one of my missions I was detailed to take some urgently needed material by truck to Patton's 3rd army, that was when he was having trouble at Metz. I drove this truck and a small trailer all alone. As a rule they always send some one with you. This time they didn't. Well I delivered the supplies and started on my way back. A short ways from the front I stopped at a farm house and asked for some hot water to mix with my "K" ration coffee. The woman was glad to see a Yank, she offered me a meal if I had time. I told her I was in a big hurry and thanks just the same. She finally brought me some hot water which I mixed with the coffee. I was sitting in the truck enjoying this hot drink, when this woman let out a yell Boche, Boche, Boche, that's what they call the Germans here in France. She was yelling and pointing to a hedgerow. Was I scared? God damn right I was. I didn't know whether to grab my rifle and start firing, or grab my rifle and run for my life, or attempt to make a break for it with the truck.
As it was I didn't have to do either
(no other pages)
6cents air mail Paris, France
Censored April 15, 1945
Dear Jean,
Your letter of the fifth arrived to-day.
To-day is Sunday, Sunday in the Spring in Paris, add to that a beautiful day and you now have a perfect combination for living. These Parisians live life to the fullest. I've never seen anything like it.
The death of our commander-in-chief came as a great shock to all of us. These French thought very highly of him also. Right now they are having memorial services all over the land in his honor. We hope and trust that his successor does as good a job as he would have done.
I didn't know that Jim was missing in action. Although it doesn't surprise me a bit. He was a machine-gunner, whose average life is three minutes. However he may have been captured, so there us still hope.
Glad to hear that you are receiving my mail and packages. I have one more box of perfume to send you, after that I may try to get some souvenirs instead.
Your mother has good taste when she says she likes Caron best. Caron is the best there is in the line of perfumes. Don't tell her, bit I am trying to get her a bottle. Will let you know how I make out.
Did you get the lamps? I can't understand why everyone admires them so much. They are just plain lamps.
If that three year subscription to the R.N.Y. runs out, don't fail to renew it. Didn't know I was paid up for such a length of time.
I'm not a bit worried about Lucille; she's your baby as much as mine, therefore I'm quite certain no harm will come to her. Mom, pop and Joey will also lend assistance if need be. No I'm not worried a bit.
Just one thing, you're not betting the baby have her own way too much are you!
That Pear Epstein guy doesn't live here any more. He ahs left us for another outfit. Can't tell you anymore.
I have written to Charlie and Frank but as yet, no answer.
No I wouldn't want to settle in France. While France is a beautiful country, it still does not compare with the United States. The more we see of other countries, the greater our respect and admiration for our home-land. I don't think any of us boys overseas will ever again, once we get home complain about the finest country in the world. The United States of America.
Say that daughter of mine must think a lot of her old man. Hope I don't disappoint her.
Give my best wishes to all, and my love to the baby and her mother.
Your loving husband
Free mail Paris, France
Blue envelope April 22, 1945
Dear Jean,
I received your package with the bracelet and cigarettes also five of your Vee-mails of the 6th, 7,8,12 and 13th, also two of your air-mail of the 10th and 11th. One of the envelopes contained the photos. I think all of you look swell, none of you have changed. Except my wife she looks more beautiful that ever. The baby resembles Roy's Lucille, or is the photo misleading.
I'm sorry I couldn't get down to see Danny. The Red Cross isn't as helpful at times as it could be.
I imagine Larry will be coming home soon, all signs point to it. Wish him lots of luck.
Will sure appreciate the watch you are sending as I have no way of telling the time. Say that bracelet you sent me sure is a honey. Its good looking and has the exact discription that I desired.
That package containing Shocking - Salute and Evening in Paris have been on its way now for a week. You should receive it about the same time as this letter, To-morrow I am sending you another package containing " Fleur de Tabac" "Indiscreet" by Lucien Lelong and "Schiap and "Salute" by Schiaparelli. Incidentally, they have now put a 25% tax on all perfumes.
Who wouldn't be a (connosieur) ((forgot how to spell the darn word)) of good perfume after being in Paris. Thats all they talk about here. The American soldier has become perfume conscious.
Glad to hear that you heard from Frank. Haven't had an answer to my letter as yet. Expect to hear from him soon.
Sorry they haven't had some more news about Jim. They should never give up hope. Missing in action does not mean he has been killed. Hope they have some news concerning his whereabouts.
That Prof. who wrote that piece for the papers knows what he is talking about. There is nothing I can add to it.
Well Jean there isn't much more for me to say so I'll close with love to all.
Your loving husband
6cent air mail Paris, France
Censored April 23, 1945
Dear jean,
Just a few lines to let you know that I am in the best of health and doing fine.
I received a letter from your cousin Larry which, really took me by surprise as I hadn't heard from him for a long time. He is very fortunate. Having remained in the States for the duration. He also has his wife with him which is another break.
We are having some beautiful weather now, We haven't had any rain for over two months, for which we are all thankful. How's the weather back home?
Hope that watch reaches me soon. Will let you know as soon as it arrives.
That's all for now Jean. Take care of the baby and give by best to your dad mom and Joey.
Free mail Paris, France
Blue envelope April 27, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received one of your Vee-mails dated April 14th and three of your air-mail of the 9th, 16th, and 19th. Your letters are coming in quite regular now, hope mine are the same.
You must have had quite a gathering Sunday judging from the list of names you sent me. Is that a regular Sunday occurrence or just an exception.
Glad to hear that your dad has decided to buy a home. Wish him lots of luck.
Will let you know as soon as I receive the watch.
Say don't anyone know who the baby inherited her eyes from, from her old lady, of course.
Was Joe Vitale discharged from the army, if so, what for. Where is Tommy Vitale, has anyone heard, Also his brother Al, wonder where he is at.
I remember Jean, Francis' wife all-right. I believe we went to Barryville.
No, I haven't seen any of the girls here wearing gloves, they haven't enough material for that.
Can't say as I remember Dominick Vaso, tried hard but I can seem to place him.
You're not disappointed in Adam, are you? The army doesn't make gentlemen out of anyone. Whatever gave you that impression. Don't blame Adam, he has probably has had to live like an animal while he was in India, and can't get used to living like a man again.
Say, don't you dare send me any coffee or milk, really have no use for it, and don't send any salami neither. We are getting enough to eat at our mess hall. Thanks a million anyway, honey.
Glad to hear that you are receiving my packages, however there seems to be one package you haven't received as yet. That is the one containing the perfume "Mon Ideal", which cost me $16.00 Hope you receive it soon.
You ask how much Lentheric cost? I believe it was $7.00
Well it seems like V-E day should be here soon, seeing as the Americans and Russians have finally linked up.
Hope to be seeing all of you soon.
Give my love to all, and take care of the baby.
Liberation Welcome Good Luck postcard
April 23,1945Nothing to get jealous about, honey its not real.
This is the type of stamp used during the occupation of France.
The portrait is of Marshal Petain who is now in Germany.
12cents air mail Paris, France
Censored April 28, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received three of your air-mail letters dated 17th, 20th and 21st of this month.
Surprised to hear that my blue envelope mail comes thru so fast. We are permitted to use four per month of this type mail.
Nice to know that those seeds were planted. Let me know how they come along.
I really don't know how much I have spent on perfume. It doesn't matter though, as ling as you are receiving them.
I am sorry I wasn't able to send pop a card or worse still a birthday present. Hope he doesn't feel too bad about it.
No, the river hasn't overflowed its banks since the last time I told you. We get a little fog occasionally. All in all we have no complaints to make concerning the weather. On that trip I told you about, I sure delivered the goods, always have and always will, you know me when it comes to driving, nothing will ever stop me. I had thought when I quit driving a cab to work for Armour's that I was thru driving, the army came along and changed my mind for me.
The food situation in Paris is improving, supplies are beginning to arrive from America.
A lot of these people seem to think its taking the U.S. too long to live up to its promises to feed liberated nations. However the situation has improved.
Its allright to get a dog for Lucille. I'll leave the type up to you.
Glad to hear that you received the box with the perfumes. I feel better to know that they are arriving, and in good condition,
I suggest that you hold on to that perfume until I get home, or until I tell you otherwise. You probably don't know it but all the perfumes I have sent you are very scarce here and very difficult to obtain. I can't stress these underlined words enough.
How do those shoes that Frank sent fit the baby? A lot of these civilians use them for everyday use, kind of hard on the feet nevertheless, they are better that none at all.
I haven't been able to get that perfume for your mother as yet, just to give you an idea of this perfume situation.
Haven't heard from your brother Frank as yet, as you know his army is on the move, and he hasn't much time to write.
I notice from your letter of the 21st that some of your friends are getting interested in the perfume, just tell them for me that they are not for sale.
Those Nazi atrocities are not propaganda, it's the real stuff. No I haven't seen any of it, only thru newspapers and magazines and its really got us all hepped up. Especially when we read in papers how German prisoners are being treated in the States. Waving sawastikas and attending social functions such as dances. Some of the boys feel its better to be a German prisoner in the States than a free American in Germany. No I haven't had a chance to see Pat Barella as yet. He is stationed about twelve miles from where I am at. I f I ever go out that way I will look him up.
Well I have answered your letters as best as possible, which leaves me nothing more to say.
Of course I miss all of you, especially you and the baby. Hope the day isn't far off when we shall all be home again, but darn it we still have the Pacific to take care of.
Give my best wishes to all. And love and kisses to you and my darling Lucille.
Bye bye for now.
Your loving
6cents air mail Paris, France
Censored May 5, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received three of your letters dated Mar. 31 April 2nd and 3rd also a Vee-mail of the 27th of April. Most of these letters as you notice have been held up somewhere.
Before I go any further I would like to thank you for the package containing the watch and cigarettes and food. As usual it arrived in excellent condition. I had a second hand put on the watch so it is now in good shape and keeps perfect time. It was a grand feeling to set eyes on that watch again, it reminded me of old times. Enough of that.
As you have probably gathered from newspaper reports, all the soldiers here in the E.T.O. are destined for the Pacific. Which is worse, the fact that we will not be sent home on a furlough. Instead they are going to ship us direct to the Far East. Ant it will be a hell of a long time before we come home from there. However there's no use worrying, everything will turn out all-right.
It won't be necessary to send me the other watch, if you haven't done so already. You may need it for yourself.
You are right when you say the war is over over here. Anyway it is one step closer to the day when we shall come home.
I've noticed while re-reading one of your letters that you ask if I received your bracelet. The answer is yes, and it's a beautiful one too. Thanks again.
Have you received the bottle of perfume "Mon Ideal?" If you haven't you may as well consider it as lost. That was a gift intended especially for you. Hope to hear that you have received it.
To-day is Sunday, and a beautiful day it is. The air has been purified by the rains of last week. The trees and grass are so green and the river Seine is flowing lazily by our camp. it's the kind of a day that makes most of us boys homesick. Of course its silly to feel that way, knowing that we can't come home until our job is completed.
How is the baby? I have a pair of rosary beads for her which I will send on to you. Will let you know when I ship them.
Give my best wishes to all. Your mom, dad Joey and the gang.
Your loving
\ Sal.
P.S. Don't send me any more food. Cigarettes and candy are O.K.
Free mail Paris, France
Censored May 17, 1945
Dear Jean,
Two of your letters came dated May 4th and 8th. You say on one of them that you are having terrible weather. You should see the weather here, it is really beautiful, the sun has been shining every day for the past couple of months, and at night it get pleasingly cool. In other words the climate is ideally suited for humans. I have been telling you so much of France that you probably think I am exaggerating, actually I can't find the proper words to express myself.
Glad you liked the bottle of Mon Ideal, incidentally there is another package on its way with the rosary beads for baby Lucille. There is another item enclosed which I expect to use when I go horse-back riding, please don't let any one use it. I believe you will understand.
Has your dad closed the deal on the house? When do you expect to move in? Lets know more about it.
So Tony is being shipped, I'll look him up, also my cousin Jim. Now don't you start worrying over me, because I'll be O.K.
You say, you are wondering what I am doing now. To be frank with you we have been having it pretty easy, what with having all these German prisoners doing our dirty work. Things however are beginning to change now, they are slowly but surely whipping us into shape for another mission. Hope I am wrong. Will you tell Bettina that I received her "thank you" letter, she really should thank you instead of me. Also let Pete and Marion know that I received their letter. I have so many letters to answer that I doubt if I shall be able to do so.
No letter from Frank as yet, will let you know if I hear from him. Finally, - I am in the best of health and doing fine.
Give my best wishes to all.
Yes, I still love you. No kidding!
Your loving
Free mail Paris, France
NO censor mark May 20, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received three of your letters, 10th, 13th, and 14th. The mail situation has improved considerably. Are you receiving my letters in good time.
I guess you have my points figured out wrong. Don't know how you arrived at 44. As you know I have 62, in one of my letters I explained why.
Don't believe we will be in the army of occupation looks more like the Far East to me.
Interesting dreams you are having, too bad they don't come true.
We have had some bad weather lately, rain, hail, thunder and lightning. However it didn't last very long.
I had told you that Mon Ideal was a gift from me to you, or didn't you know.
Thanks for the card, it sure was a reminder.
Has Larry come home as yet? In any event should he be home, give him my best wishes.
Glad to hear that Jim Barra has rejoined his company. He and Frank should be on their way home very soon.
Also received a thank you card from Emiline, one which should have been sent to you instead of me.
I am in the best of health and doing fine, nothing for you to worry about on that score.
That baby of mine(ours) is really getting smart, keep up the good work.
Give my best to your Mom, dad and Joey, also remember me to my aunt and uncle and Pete, Marion, the Saetta's not forgetting of course the Danolfo's.
Love from
(enclosure: (3) 2 franc notes)
Free mail Paris, France
No censor mark May 25, 1945
Dear Jean,
Yours of the 15th of May arrived yesterday, also Helen's of the 19th. Letters from the States seem to make better time than ours.
Don't feel so bad about me going to the pacific theatre, you never know how you stand when you are in the army, one day it's the Pacific, next day its Germany and the following day it's the States. Pretty near everything we hear are just plain rumors with no foundations whatsoever. Don't give up hope, I may be home on a furlough yet.
I have never worried about Lucille as I know she is in capable hands. Keep up the good work.
Say, that's an idea about Lake Placid, maybe we will go up there, if we can borrow someone's car. About that perfume, I think we will keep it all for ourselves, maybe give some of it out as presents. Did you give that bottle of Caron to your mother as I requested. I don't think any of it will evaporate that is if it is sealed. If not seal it with wax. In any event don't worry about it.
I doubt very much if any perfume is getting to the States through commercial channels. Most of it is coming through the States by the same method as you are getting yours. The soldiers here buy up all the perfume they can get their hands on. Then send it home to their folks.
That bottle of Mon Ideal should be good stuff, it cost me $16.00 Sure glad you received all the perfume in good shape. Now, there is only one other package on its way, it's the one containing the rosary beads for the baby.
Glad to hear that Jim is safe and was able to get in touch with Frank. Haven't heard from Frank in along time. I wrote him a few days ago and expect an answer shortly.
We have been having some cool weather lately, a little rain also, nothing to complain about though.
I am in the best of health and doing fine, no complaints on that score.
How is everything home, and how is everyone feeling. Give them all my best wishes, especially you and the baby.
Au revoir ma cherie.
Yours forever
Free mail Paris, France
No censor mark May 30, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received your letter of May 23, containing the photo of my aunt and uncle, also the addresses of my relatives in Italy.
It seems now that I may not be able to go to Italy after all. However I may go to England (God forbid) or to the Riviera or stay here in Paris. I don't think I will tale a furlough at present. I am going to wait and see if they approve furloughs to Italy. One of the boys here filed an application for Italy and it was dis-approved. However there is a slight chance left.
No news from Frank now means good news, he may be on his way home, according to the Stars and Stripes, the 36th Division is on its way home now. I have written to him and haven't had a reply which leads me to believe that its true.
No, I don't need any paint remover, you know I wouldn't kiss any strange girls. Liberation and V-e days excluded.
Hope that when you receive this letter both Frank and Larry will be home. Too bad I can't be home with them, my day will come so don't you worry.
This German wrist watch I have is the most accurate watch I have ever had. It keeps time to the split second. This is the funny part of if it's a cheap watch and has no jewels whatsoever.
Glad you gave the bottle of Caron to your mother and that she likes it. Tell her not to be afraid to use it.
That bottle of perfume that was broken is named Cherigan. it's a perfume for men, so I'm not worried about it. Sure glad it wasn't that bottle of Lucien Lelong. That is one of the perfumes that is almost a rarity here.
The information which you gave me concerning my relatives in Italy is perfect. I am going to hold on to that letter just in case I do go.
Give my best wishes to all especially the baby.
None of these French gals can compare with you, don't worry.
6cents air mail Paris, France
No censor marks June 6, 1945
Dear June,
To-day is the anniversary of the invasion of France. To commenurate this day we have been given a day off to celebrate.
Now that the censorship has been lifted I can tell you some of the history of our company.
We left America on Jan 2, 1944 aboard the luxury liner Queen Elizabeth, we zigzagged our way across, had a submarine scare which caused us to detour about 300 miles, we came across with out an escort and landed safely in Goerck Scotland about none days later. From there we went by train to Ashchurch, Eng., about 25 miles from Worcester and about 40 miles from Bristol and Birmingham.
We had a few bombings in England, no one was hurt and very little damage was done. We left England for the invasion of France and landed on Utah, beach on July 23. Our L.S. T. was grounded high and day and we marched off on to the beach. We were a part of the 3rd Army. I'll skip the sights we say floating down the channel.
We rode thru the streets and the people smothered us with flowers and Vives les Americains. However their greetings were superficial. As the Germans had treated them very well, it made them sort of antagonistic towards us. We pitched our pup tents in an apple orchard at Valognes. From then on our troubles began. We had to dig our fox holes and get ready for the Jerries. They didn't disappoint us. At night they flew over our area dropping flares. The following night they returned with bombs. No one was hurt. In the morning we had to make the place habitable. The food was terrible and scarce. That was one time that the company really went hungry.
We were at this place a few weeks and then moved up to Granville. The Germans also knew we moved up because they had a welcoming committee to give us a house warming. They sure made it hot. Again no one was hurt.
Our next stop was Le Mans, here again the Germans were very considerate, another house warming in the form of snipers. We cleaned house and got down to business again. Here it was the same story about food, we were going hungry. Our mess seargent came in one day with what was supposedly beef.
About four hundred pounds of it. For the first time we sat down and had a good steak dinner.
We found out later that it was horse meat and not beef. Never did find out where he got it from.
Our next stop was Paris, and we are still here. We lost only two men. One was the master sargent I wrote about last Christmas, and the other was a suicide.
I have left out some minor details as it is getting late and soon we will have to turn the lights out.
Haven't heard from you in over a week. Is Frank or Larry home yet?
One or the other should be home by this time.
Give my best wishes to all, take care of the baby.
Love from
Your loving husband
P.S. Did you receive the Rosary beads yet.
Free mail Paris, France
No censorship June 12, 1945
Dear Jean,
Haven't had letter from you now in two weeks, however none of the boys have been receiving any mail so it seems the post office is falling down on the job again.
Have Frank or Larry come home as yet? It seems to me they should be home by this time.
Did you receive the package with the rosary beads and my jacket in it?
I received a letter from Charlie and he tells me he is in Austria. He doesn't seem to like it there. If he gets a pass to Paris he will try to look me up.
We haven't heard anything about that Pacific deal yet, some of the companies have all-ready left, but as you can see we are still here.
We aren't doing much, just waiting around for things to happen.
I'd almost forgotten, there is a birthday present for Lucille in the form of a check for $30 in the mail. You should receive it about two weeks after this letter.
There isn't much more to say, except that I hope that I shall be able to get home before going to the Pacific.
Bye bye and best wishes for a pleasant birthday for the baby. I love both of you very dearly.
Your loving
Free mail Paris, France
No censorship June 29, 1945
Dear Jean,
Received the card from the baby for father's day and I think it is very cute, it is also very considerate of you. Also received two of your air-mail letters dated May 28 and June 5th.
I am surprised to hear that Larry isn't at home as yet, but according to your last letter he should be home by this time. Give him my best wishes and I hope you all have a good time.
Is Dan having any luck in getting out of the merchant marine?
Strange, I haven't heard from Frank. I wrote to him a short while ago.
I guess you know by this time that the furlough to Italy is cancelled on the grounds of inadequate transportation facilities. May go to the Riviera instead, or perhaps not take any furlough at all.
Those two poems which you enclosed were very expressive indeed.
Tell the insurance man that I am very sorry to disappoint him, if however, (the odd are great) that I do go to Italy I will do my best to look up his relatives.
Say, havent you received the rosary beads as yet. You don't mention whether you are receiving my letters or not. And how about that $30.00 check, have you received that yet?
There is a rumor going around now that instead of us going to the Pacific as originally intended we are slated to stay here as part of the army of occupation. Don't know which is worse, because we may have gone thru the states on our way there, that would have meant a thirty day furlough.
Everything is fine with me, am in the best of health and putting on some weight. Thanks to the German prisoners, they are doing all our dirty work. However these prisoners are well fed and well taken care of. No such thing as brutality here.
The French resent our treatment of them, and say that we are more considerate of the German prisoners than we are of our French allies. They may have a good argument.
Well, so long Jean my love to the baby.
Yours ever