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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Mr Kapernick

Dear Editor,

  Jack Krier seems to enjoy insulting dissenters. He writes about why someone should not disagree with his point of view. In the case of 'Kapernick - An Ungrateful Jerk, he blew a wonderful opportunity. 

  Jack instead, should have thanked Mr Kapernick for showing the greatness of America. A one in a million star, standing alone, for what he believed is an injustice to be brought to the nations attention, and he was not arrested, nor shot, where else but in America.

  Whether or not Mr Kapernick's point of view is representative of the plight of American's of color is something persons of color can only speak of. Mr Krier is not a person of color, so how can he say the star is wrong. He does not even offer any statistics to prove his case.  Mr Krier points out the good fortune of a star and the fact that a star has been recognized even though he is a person of color. Most stars are rewarded, they are the cream of the crop, the best of the best, thus, the color of the star is an aside, and their skill is rewarded, not the color of their skin.

  Mr Kapernick has shown us all what is in praise of America, with all her ills, she has given all of us the opportunity to voice our dismay. Why would any of us want something swept under the carpet if it is an issue that needs the attention of the nation. 

  It is a fact that the war on drugs is biased against minorities, but there is no one working to overturn the power of the alcohol lobby. We are a nation of special interests and money is what is the rule of law. So while Mr Kapernick has the opportunity to amass a small fortune most of us will only dream of, most of us do not and will not excel. And if we laud his abilities why do we not laud his willingness to put himself again on the line and say what is on his mind, even if we do not agree with him.  

  That one man in America is standing or sitting for what he believes is truly what is great about America and we all owe him applause for reminding us this is a free nation, and as all nations it has some flaws.
