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Monday, April 18, 2011


Twitter is the new age route for communication
The new mail
The proof that people need to communicate
And now
We want instantly to be in touch
That we must be connected (to each other)
is a remarkable surprise
we who crave privacy
we who crave independence
we who want to be alone
and go through years of earning
to afford palaces where we can isolate ourselves

we must communicate to express our feeling
to get in touch with our selves
we want to be alone
and we can not be alone
we set it up to be together
whenever and where ever we want

people are [dying] to communicate
young people are [dying]
to text each other

we want to be heard
we want to be noticed
we want to make a [positive] difference
except for those who choose to make a
negative difference like me madoff

or, is mr madoff , off his mind mad
how does one enmass billions
and cheat millions
while communicating
{we want to hear what we want to hear}
and we hear what we want to

and we must do it together
what ever it is
we must link [ourselves]
to a oneness
whether or not it is a benefit to any of us

we must connect
we must link
we must be together
we as a one
get into and out of trouble all-together
and whatever it is 
we must do it together

it seems we[men and women] must
and seek unity
whether it be religion or politics
we must be together
we must be part of something
bigger than our self

so we tweet and twitter together
therefore we must be birds!

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