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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Republican Presidential Debate +++++FOX NEWS GOOGLE DEBATE

      What to you is obvious.
Fox News and Google have preempted the Republican Presidental Candidates Debate, they have taken over the country.
It is no longer the United States of America it is now the Fox News Google Republic.
If you are not offended by the headline you should be.
In addition, they, fox and google had the nerve to distract voters with the  most often google searches, coupons, forclosures and best choices for suv/gas savings.
It was nice to have the people vote on their choice for questions, eliminating any ambiguity.
What they should have said was fox and google present..... or the Republican Presidential Debate brought to you by....
The majority of the debate time was between Mr Romney and Mr Perry. It sure looked like Mr Perry was Mr Romney's shill [the person in the audience who sucks in the audience to pay attention to what the other guy is selling] or [the guy who places the first bet and wins, playing the shell/bean game]
Every time Mr Perry wanted to insult Mr Romney he called him by name thereby giving Mr Romney thirty second rebuttals.
And they attacked each other for much of the debate, too bad they didn't have gloves, we would have been saved at least an hour.
There was a new candidate, Gov Gary Johnson NM, with his platform, lower taxes, regulation reform and tort reform, aimed at small business hiring. He was refreshing.
Mr Cain was celebrated for surviving liver and colon cancer, and he attributed his success to being able to get the needed medical treatment as soon as possible, even though he had a thirty percent chance of survival five or six years ago.
Mr Huntsman wants energy independence by subsidising natural gas, with a rapid phasing out of the subsidy.
Mr Gingrich again has warned us about Pakistan's nuclear weapons falling into the hands  of anti American forces, reinforcing the need for America to support her allies.
Mr Santorum wants to stay in Iraq until it is/and to be sure it is stable.
There was overwhelming agreement for the need to show support for Israel.
Cuba was mentioned as a country supporting terrorists.
Mr Perry appears to be an emotional candidate.
Mr Santorum the angry candidate.
Ms Bachman the least visable during the debate, either because she waisted her time speeching or blaming Obama, as opposed to saying anything concrete.
Mr Huntsman was also lacklustre.
There appeared to be three winners of the debate,
Mr Cain
Mr Gingrich
Mr Johnson,
and one follow up Mr Paul.
All four gentlemen were addressing the issue of America and what needs to be done for America's health instead of why they should be president. They gave of themselves readily speaking to the American People about the country and what HAS to be done to repair the economy to create jobs.
Removing the federal government's involvement in business, education, healthcare and returning the state's autonomy.
Seeing the politicans and seeing the statesmen was obvious.
American needs some statesmen, and stateswomen instead of politicans
and news agencies that report the news instead of being the news.

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