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Monday, January 31, 2011

with a twinkle in my eye

through your sadness
as you cry
       the heart aches with loneliness

the skin wants to breathe
the bread we must knead
the rules we choose to heed

without agreement
chaos rules
without agreement
anarchy applies
without rules
savages survive
with rules
savages survive

I pass unnoticed through the night
quietly - I share the dim light
softly I pass the time
I pine

forever I strive
forever I want to thrive
forever I subside

what have I left
what can I give
what have I taken
what is mine to give

beg borrow steal
what to you will this reveal

dig deeper till
into the till
as it does overspill
the bounty that is mine
is the eyes that are thine

alone I am myself
not alone I am the mountain
to touch on high
with the twinkle of mischief
in my eye

to laugh to cry
to be happy before I die
with a twinkle in my eye

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